Go beyond stereo. Experience the freedom of mixing in surround (5.1, 7.1), immersive (7.1.4, 9.1.6), or other custom formats. Enjoy a wealth of user-driven enhancements that make working with AudioFuse 16Rig easier, more flexible, and more creative than ever. This free update delivers a significant range of new features for all AudioFuse 16Rig owners.
_16 Channel Immersive Monitor Control
Control up to 16 speakers using any combination of line or ADAT outputs available on AudioFuse 16Rig.
_Precision Volume Control, Level Matching and Time Alignment
Get volume control for all immersive speakers, plus level matching and up to 20ms of time alignment per speaker.
_Comprehensive Bass Management
Individually settable crossovers and filter slopes on all speakers.
_Group Monitor Tools
Mute/solo groups of speakers with one button; easily access MUTE, DIM, REF and BM controls from the hardware or AFCC control panel.
_Pink noise generator
Built-in pink noise generator for setup and calibration.
_Global Lip-Sync
Apply up to 20ms of overall delay to keep on-screen video perfectly synced. Great for users working to picture with projectors or TVs.
_Multi-Format Freedom
Our system is and not tied to a single format or layout. Use it for surround, immersive or custom format of your choice.
_Auto-Restart After Power Cut
For users with a master on/off rack switch. No need to manually power on the interface again.
_Pop-Up Messages on Hardware Display
Easily see important level changes, warnings, and more at a glance.
_Monitor Knob Lock
Prevent accidental volume adjustments when using external mixers or controllers.
_Quick Reference Level Reset
Instantly return to a calibrated level. A vital feature for film/TV professionals working to specific loudness standards.
_Send CUE Mix to Multiple Destinations
Route your cue mix to multiple outputs simultaneously.
_More PPQN Options for Clock Output
More flexibility when synchronizing modular and other synthesizers.